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Hardware vs Software Firewalls: What's the Difference

SheldonUpdated at Nov 18th 20231 min read

A firewall is a hardware or software program that prevents unwanted access to a computer or network. Businesses can benefit from both hardware and software firewalls as cybersecurity tools, but they have different uses. However, what distinguishes hardware firewalls VS software firewalls? To assist you in selecting the right firewall that best suits your needs, we have outlined the distinctions between the two in this article.
What Is a Hardware Firewall?
A hardware firewall is a physical device that guards the network as a whole against outside effects. Hardware firewalls monitor the network and either allow or prohibit transmission based on pre-programmed criteria. Installing this kind of firewall between computer networks and the Internet allows it to physically enforce boundaries and filter communications from unwanted users. It can sometimes be incorporated into the router device. In more complex scenarios, such as in a medium-sized business, or enterprise network, a hardware firewall can be configured to block specific types of traffic entering and leaving the organizational network.
What is a Software Firewall?
A software firewall is a program utilized using a computer to examine data entering and leaving the device. The user can alter it to suit their requirements. Computers are equipped with software firewalls as a backup defense against possible attacks. This can be attributed to either malicious code or unapproved access. It is attempting to disable the router or hardware firewall, but it has already gotten past them. The software firewall verifies whether a program attempting to enter the network is harmful or not by comparing it to a database. This data determines whether the firewall permits or prohibits data transfer. Additionally, this kind of firewall can be set up to detect and stop any atypical outbound requests.
Hardware firewalls of today are capable of bidirectional data inspection. The firewall also applies a set of permissions to outbound data, much like the system for examining incoming traffic. It can intercept data incorporated into the coding that aims to use your computer to propagate dangerous code to other computers connected to the internet in this manner.
Pros and Cons: Hardware Firewalls vs Software Firewalls
Hardware firewalls and Software firewalls each have their advantages and disadvantages. Here are some details below.
Pros of Hardware Firewalls
A hardware firewall is less vulnerable to cyberattacks and operates independently.
Hardware firewalls can be configured with specific rules for all traffic.
It offers centralized protection for the entire network.
Its enhanced bandwidth enables it to process more data packets per second.
A hardware firewall processes data packets faster because of its lower latency.
Cons of Hardware Firewalls
Upgrading a hardware firewall can be difficult and costly because it requires replacing several components.
Specialized staff and significant IT expertise are also needed to manage this kind of firewall.
Hardware firewall technology is expensive, higher security requirements require a bigger initial financial investment.
Pros of Software firewalls
Installing a software firewall is less expensive, and several models even provide free trials and editions.
It is simple to install and doesn't require any extra hardware or software.
Heavy traffic is no match for stateless firewalls, which perform well under pressure without getting caught up in the details.
Cons of Software Firewalls
It can sometimes slow down the performance of computers.
A single piece of software could not be compatible with every system in a company, which could raise the expense of setting up various firewalls on various kinds of computers.
Data packets entering the network can not be filtered by a software firewall alone.
Firewall software doesn't work on devices like gaming consoles and smart TVs.
Difference: Hardware Firewalls vs Software Firewalls
A hardware firewall is essentially a physical device, whereas software firewalls run software applications from within your computer. Although their overall goals are similar, they approach them significantly differently, which offers them distinct advantages:
Less expensive initially: The initial cost of a software firewall is not very high. Some have a free trial period followed by a rather modest monthly charge. But over time, the cost of the subscription can wind up being higher than what you would have spent on a hardware solution.
Little space requirements: Software might be a better option if space is an issue because it doesn't take up any space as an application.
Simple to install: While hardware firewalls need to be installed with cables, power connections, and strategic placement, many software firewalls may be activated with only a few clicks.
There are various types of firewalls on the market today to meet user requests, but all firewalls operate similarly. They are located between your network and the Internet, helping to protect your network from potential harm or being used by bad actors to spread malicious data elsewhere. I hope this article has given you a deeper understanding of the differences between software and hardware firewalls.