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A Powerful Tool for Automating Switch Configuration: Ansible

GeorgeUpdated at Mar 16th 20241 min read

In today's increasingly complex network environments, it is critical to manage switch configurations in a useful and efficient manner. This article will help you better understand Ansible by describing what the Ansible automation tool is, how it works, and what are the advantages of using it to configure switches.
What Is Ansible
Ansible is an open source automation tool for configuration management, application deployment, task automation, and other operations. It allows system administrators and developers to automate configuration and management by defining and managing automation scripts for tasks.Ansible uses a simple YAML language to describe tasks and executes them on remote systems via SSH protocol.
How Ansible Works
There are two types of computers in Ansible: control nodes and managed nodes. The control node is the computer running Ansible. There must be at least one control node, although there may be backup control nodes. A managed node is any device managed by a control node.
Ansible works by connecting to a node on your network (a client, server, or whatever you're configuring) and sending that node an applet called an Ansible module. Ansible executes these modules over SSH and deletes them when it's done. The only requirement for this interaction is that your Ansible control node has login access to the managed node. SSH keys are the most common way to provide access, but other forms of authentication are also supported.
What Are Ansible playbooks
To use Ansible we must first understand Ansible Playbooks. playbooks provide a powerful and simple automation language in Ansible. They enable Ansible users to use modules to accomplish automation tasks. Each Ansible playbook is a human-readable and self-documenting configuration file. It is written in YAML and provides instructions for placing the hosting node in its desired state. playbooks are also idempotent, which means that they can be run on the system in the same way at any time without negatively impacting the system.
Ansible playbooks can be simple (for example, installing an Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol server on a node in a group of Web servers) or complex (for example, orchestrating an entire network of hosted nodes). Complex playbooks can contain conditions and variables. Even so, they are usually short, readable, and clear because the Ansible module does most of the "real" work.
Advantages of Ansible for Configuring Switches
In large-scale network environments, manually configuring switches becomes more cumbersome and is prone to inconsistency and instability. In addition, manual configuration becomes especially time-consuming when similar or identical configurations need to be performed on multiple switches, and it is easy to miss steps that lead to incomplete or inaccurate configurations.
In contrast, automated switch configuration offers the advantages of efficiency and consistency. Using the automation tool Ansible, switch configuration tasks can be defined and managed by writing automation scripts. Auto-configuration also significantly reduces configuration time, especially when the same configuration needs to be performed on multiple devices, increasing the repeatability and reliability of operations.
Ansible, a powerful automation tool, provides network administrators with an efficient and reliable way to automate switch configuration. With Ansible, the configuration of network devices can be easily defined, deployed, and maintained to improve the manageability and stability of the entire network.
FS, a leader in the communications industry, provides data center switches that support Ansible's automated configuration capabilities, which makes it easier for administrators to integrate these advanced devices into their network ecosystems, bringing greater efficiency and lower risk to network management.